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There is e There are: come si usano? Frasi

There is e There are: vi spieghiamo il loro uso in frasi affermative, negative e interrogative con risposte brevi.

There is / There are nella forma affermativa

There is (contratto there’s) equivale a c’è. Si usa davanti a un nome singolare.

There is a new teacher in my school.
There is a big bathroom upstairs.
There is a big table in your kitchen.

There are equivale all’italiano ci sono. Si usa davanti a un nome plurale. Non ha la forma contratta.

There are two pens, a pencil, a highlighter and a rubber in my pencil case.
There are two cats and a dog in my house.
There are six chairs in my kitchen.

Attenzione!!! Quando la prima voce di un elenco di cose è singolare si usa there is.

There is a living room, two toilets, a kitchen.

There is / There are nella forma negativa

There is e there are nella forma negativa diventano there isn’t (non c’è) e there aren’t (non ci sono).

There isn’t a wardrobe in my bedroom.
There isn’t a blackboard in my classroom.
There isn’t a garden in my house.

There aren’t many people on the bus.
There aren’t many girls in my class.
There aren’t two beds in my bedroom.

There is / There are nella forma interrogativa

La forma interrogativa di there is e there are si ottiene mettendo there dopo il verbo to be.

Is there a wardrobe in your bedroom? Yes, there is / No, there isn’t
Is there a computer in your house? Yes, there is / No, there isn’t
Is there an umbrella in your school bag? Yes, there is / No, there isn’t

Are there three bedrooms upstairs? Yes, there are / No, there aren’t
Are there many windows in your classroom? Yes, there are / No, there aren’t
Are there two armchairs in your living room? Yes, there are / No, there aren’t


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